Wednesday, November 14, 2012

long day

Woke up early at 7am today to go to the Allen Building and work on my game theory homework. Then continued with my day and probably failed my statistics test.
but whatever

I've also decided that I should probably start straying away from the quad. It's about that time.

Had fiddler practice today too, that was alright. Found out that I won't get paid for the gig. Whatever, I guess it's good for the fiddlers. I just kind of wish that I could have some sort of money.

At work today, I got a lot of compliments on my playing, which was pretty nice. People said that it was impressive that I was playing what I heard on the radio. Said it sounded good, which is awesome.

I really also need to get my bass fixed. I played an Ibanez today and I couldn't stand it.
Way too light and thin for my taste.

But that'll happen whenever I get some money I guess.

Need to get another job or something.

Still feel kind of lonely, but it's getting better. I think I'm kind of accepting this whole, it's okay being alone type of thing. I guess it's about that time. haha

I think i'm getting sick of bonfire too.

Anyway, long day.

Long day tomorrow too.

Monday, November 12, 2012

I guess I should start somewhere

Maybe blogging will help.

I don't really plan to share this with anyone, so maybe I can stop being afraid of anyone reading my shit and I can get kind of personal, hahaha. Probably not.

But, who knows.

I do plan to try and keep this blog sober. Well, mainly just away from drunkenness. I can get pretty sad and depressing when I'm drunk.

Anyway, jamming to this and doing my game theory homework.

Fun stuff.

I wanna get my camera back so I can start uploading some cool pictures that don't really mean anything.

Gig on Thursday, that should be fun. well, until then,

See You and Good Morning.